Faith Of The Hebrews

1991 – Washington National Cathedral – Nave Clerestory 

This is the only one of Rowan’s eighteen nave clerestory windows that does not have a large character to focus a story around.  It is interesting because in the photo gallery below you can see two paintings of this window, one with a large figure and one without.  

Like the water that flows through all of the lancets in the John the Baptist window, Rowan chose to represent the Hebrew nation as a parade of people marching down one side, across the bottom and up the other side of the window.  In the center lancets Rowan depicts abstract columns of smoke and fire. 

Mary Clerkin Higgins did the glass selection, the fabrication and some of the painting on this window.  With the abstract center lancets it is easy to focus on the exaggerated lead lines that Rowan uses in his windows.  In the video clip below, Rowan and Mary are working on a later window, but they are have an interesting discussion on the importance of these lead lines.

Photo – Peter Swanson


The window depicts Moses is leading the Hebrew nation on a long forty year march through the desert during which they maintained their persistent faith in the Lord.  Biblical accounts of this journey say the Hebrews were guided by a column of smoke by day and a column of fire by night and these are depicted in the two center lancets. 

This is the second of the three windows that pay homage to the three branches of the US Government. In this case it is the Executive Branch and the White House is in the multifoil above.  The inscription at the bottom is again taken from the Preamble to our constitution saying, “ In order to form a more perfect Union.”

Window Details

Click on an image to see it full size.


Window Details

Year Completed



Rowan LeCompte Assisted by Mary Clerkin Higgins


Mary Clerkin Higgins

Location In Building

North Clerestory Bay 6


To learn more about Rowan and stained glass vist our DVD store.



15 Feet x 29 Feet


3101 Wisconsin Ave NW, Washington, DC 20016

Produced By:

Global Visions & Associates, Inc.


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