Childhood of Jesus


1971 – Washington National Cathedral – Apse, North Clerestory 

A bright and cheerful window, this is Rowan’s first solo window since the death of his first wife Irene.  Its bright colors, happy faces and simple design are a breath of fresh air.  It is also the only window in the cathedral in which Rowan admitted that it included a self-portrait.  Rowan is depicted as Jesus’ Father Joseph.  With Irene gone, Rowan turned to master craftsman Dieter Goldkuhle to fabricate and Install the window.  They were long-time friends and Rowan helped Dieter get his first job in the US after emigrating from Europe in 1962. 


Jewels of Light” says this window, “relates to the humanity of Christ by depicting Jesus as a youth learning to work, play and study.” On the left he is playing ball with his mother Mary.  On the right he is sweeping up in his father’s workshop.  In the center, a slightly older Jesus is sitting in a tree studying the Torah.  Again from Jewels of Light, we learn that “the tree is rooted in the temple, shaped like the twin tablets of Moses.  The top of the tree is in full foliage, symbolizing Christ as the flower and fulfillment of the Hebrew prophets.”

Photo – Composite, Peter Swanson and Ken Cobb

Window Details

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Window Details

Year Completed



Rowan LeCompte


Dieter Goldkuhle

Location In Building

Apse, South Cleresotry


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10 Feet x 25 Feet


3101 Wisconsin Ave NW, Washington, DC 20016

Produced By:

Global Visions & Associates, Inc.


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