America The Beautiful II


1966 – Washington National Cathedral – North Outer Aisle

This is one of the three purely abstract windows that Rowan worked on for the cathedral, in this case, with his wife Irene.  In the video clip below, Rowan talks about their inspiration for these windows.  In Introducing these windows, Jewels of Light indicates that Rowan felt that music and stained glass had much in common, stating that, “as with music, the core of stained glass is aesthetic and emotional.  Both mediums of expression require the search for scale, forms, and rhythms that will produce a harmonious whole.” On both sets of windows there is very little painting, mostly crosshatching to control the light.


Photo – Peter Swanson



America The Beautiful II

In the left lancet bountiful southern orchards are symbolized and in the right lancet, the stark reds of the western deserts capture the spirit of this mystical landscape.

Window Details

Click on an image to see it full size.


Window Details

Year Completed



Irene Matz LeCompte, Rowan LeCompte


Irene Matz LeCompte, Rowan LeCompte

Location In Building

North Outer Aisle Bay 5


To learn more about Rowan and stained glass vist our DVD store.



3101 Wisconsin Ave NW, Washington, DC 20016

Produced By:

Global Visions & Associates, Inc.


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