

1984 – Washington National Cathedral – Nave Clerestory 

This window was finished in 1984, three years after its neighbor to the right, the first Isaiah window, which was finished in 1981.  As this window is closer to the choir in its position within the nave, in fact, the closest on the south side, we can see that Rowan had reimagined the nave clerestory, and decided not to make any of the windows as dark as the original Isaiah window. This window is dominated by bright oranges and purples. Indeed it seems an exercise in complementary colors, with the greens and yellows complementing the oranges and purples to achieve an overall harmony in the window.  Another interesting thing that you can see when you look at the new Isaiah window is how Rowan picks up the oranges in this window and transitions to the purples in the window to the right of Isaiah, illustrating that Rowan indeed was thinking holistically about the entire nave.


Saint Paul, along with his counterpart Peter, in the window across the nave, are the two patron saints of the cathedral.  The cathedral’s formal name is actually “The Cathedral Church of Saint Peter and Saint Paul.”  In this window, in the right lancet, Paul is in chains,  symbolic of his imprisonment by the Romans and his service to Christ, and Paul is hailing Jesus, who is riding into Jerusalem in the center-left lancet.  On the far left, curving into the bottom of the center-left lancet are throngs of admirers waving their palm branches at Jesus.  The center-right lancet depicts Mary embracing John at the foot of the empty cross where Jesus was crucified.  According to Jewels of Light, “The abstract design in the multifoil at the top is symbolic of Paul’s divine inspirations.”

Photo – Peter Swanson

Window Details

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Window Details

Year Completed



Rowan LeCompte


The Greenland Studios

Location In Building

South Clerestory Bay 9


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15 Feet x 29 Feet


3101 Wisconsin Ave NW, Washington, DC 20016

Produced By:

Global Visions & Associates, Inc.


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