
1978 – Washington National Cathedral – Nave, North Main Acrcade, Bay 3

Rowan must have had fun with this window.  He certainly was a philosophical thinker, and so the subject engaged him. Once again he has used the space available in creative ways.  Socrates and his dialogues with the Athenians take up most of the left and center lancets; however, in the right lancet, the window also gives space to the story of Jesus at Emmaus.  There is a great range of emotion in the many faces, and the rich variety of color, strategically placed, holds the composition together. It is a beautiful window.


Jewels of Light” us that the subject matter for the window, philosophy and its relationship to faith, was suggested by Dean Francis B. Sayer, Jr. “who asked LeCompte to depict humanity’s search for knowledge as it moves from the merely rational to the discernment of truth through revelation.” The window illustrates the human  limits of reason when contrasted with Divine enlightenment.  Socrates, the dominant figure on the left who typefies reason, is stimulating lively discussion with (and among) some Athenians in the center lancet. At the top of the center lancet, Socrates’ student Plato looks on and takes notes as one of the Athenians offers Socrates a cup of poison hemlock.  Below Socrates on the left are four of his predecessors, each holding one of the four basic components that, according to Socrates’ teaching, make up all things:, air, fire, water and earth.

The two figures at the bottom of the center and right lancets are Cleopas and his wife Mary, who have just recognized Jesus as he breaks bread with them. According to the Gospel of Luke (24:15-32), this couple met Jesus on the road to Emmaus after he had been resurrected, but they did not recognize him until he broke bread with them; this was their moment of revelation. (Actually, only Cleopas is identified in Luke’s account, but Rowan and Irene apparently subscribed to the theory that Cleopas’ wife is the third [unnamed] person on the road and at dinner).  At the top of the window, the Star of Bethlehem illuminates the cinquefoil in the tracery.


Photo – Peter Swanson

Window Details

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Window Details

Year Completed



Rowan LeCompte


The Greenland Studios

Location In Building

Nave, North Main Arcade, Bay 3


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10 Feet x 25 Feet


3101 Wisconsin Ave NW, Washington, DC 20016

Produced By:

Global Visions & Associates, Inc.


More Information

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