1984 – Washington National Cathedral – Nave Clerestory
Unlike any other window in the Clerestory, this window contains a mixture of Old and New Testament stories as well as ancient and modern imagery. With the overall theme, “religion without righteousness is loathsome to God,” Rowan covered the gamut from Moses to missiles and from burnt offerings to televangelists. The nuclear missiles and televangelists are both bold commentary on current issues as they were both in the news of the day. They are, however, not only statements from Rowan’s imagination, but also statements from the cathedral administration. You have to remember that all of these ideas and designs were approved by the cathedral art committee which consisted of clergy and lay people. While Mary Higgins says there can be tension between artists and committees, the subject matter of this window would not have been approved without the committee’s consent.
The window has beautiful greens and purples dominating, with bits of reds, blues and yellows giving balance to the overall composition. These were selected by Dieter Goldkuhle, who did the craftwork on this window. Rowan did the painting.
We have two video clips in which Rowan talks about this window. The first is Rowan talking to a tour group about the two contrasting figures in the right lancet. The second a classic Rowan response when he was asked if he thinks people will be inspired by the stories in these windows.
Rowan comments on the right lancet.
Photo – Peter Swanson
Will people remember the stories?
Window Details
Click on an image to see it full size.
As mentioned above, this window has a theme of “religion without righteousness” and it begins on the left with Isaiah holding a starving child as he chides humanity for allowing this to happen, a lesson we still have not learned. The missiles below seem to indicate that we have our priorities skewed wrongly toward weapons and technology. In the center-left lancet Jesus is seen driving out money lenders and false prophets from the temple, in this case in the modern temple of television. In the center-right lancet Moses is seen descending from Mount Sinai with the Ten Commandments, only to find his people worshiping and dancing around golden idols. On the far right, the prophet Hosea is railing against the practice of burnt offerings and in the multifoil above, Jesus seems to have steered the ship of humanity into calmer waters.
Window Details
Year Completed
Rowan LeCompte
Dieter Goldkuhle
Location In Building
South Clerestory Bay 7
To learn more about Rowan and stained glass vist our DVD store.
15 Feet x 29 Feet
3101 Wisconsin Ave NW, Washington, DC 20016
Produced By:
Global Visions & Associates, Inc.
More Information
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