Religion and Righteousness
1991 – Washington National Cathedral – Nave Clerestory
In this window we see the familiar story of the Good Samaritan and Rowan uses three of the lancets to tell that story and one lancet to tell a different story. It is also interesting in how Rowan plays with perspective here. In the center-left lancet a man lies beaten and robbed, the perpetrators running away in the distance at the top of the lancet. In the center-right lancet the Good Samaritan is standing looking over the beaten man. Though both figures are about the same size, and one is lying and the other is standing, the composition somehow works. Also, near the top of the center-right lancet the same two men are making their way off to the city with the beaten man on top of a donkey and Rowan uses the green background as a kind of a path for the eye to follow and connect the different time in the stories.
Peter Mollica fabricated this window and once again Rowan came to California to paint it. Peter said he was amazed at how much trust Rowan put in him. He very much enjoyed working with Rowan and said it brought him back to the time when he was an apprentice. “We had fun,” he said.
Photo – Peter Swanson
As noted above the story of the Good Samaritan takes up three lancets. In the left lancet a priest and a lawyer have passed by the man beaten and robbed in the center-left lancet. In the center-right lancet the Good Samaritan stops to tend to the man and puts him on his donkey and carts him off to the city for care. The prophet Amos is in the right lancet and Jewels of Light says he “holds a plumb line used to mark straight and vertical lines, a symbol of God’s demand for righteousness and justice for all people.”
The U.S. Capital is in the multifoil in the top and this is one of the three windows that were given to honor the three branches of the US government. There is a quote from the preamble to the constitution at the bottom of the window which says, “do ordain and establish this constitution.”
Window Details
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Window Details
Year Completed
Rowan LeCompte
Peter Mollica
Location In Building
North Clerestory Bay 7
To learn more about Rowan and stained glass vist our DVD store.
15 Feet x 29 Feet
3101 Wisconsin Ave NW, Washington, DC 20016
Produced By:
Global Visions & Associates, Inc.
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