Ruth and Naomi


1977 – Washington National Cathedral – Nave Clerestory


This was the first of the clerestory windows to be installed.  Although Rowan had started on the Isaiah window in 1973, he interrupted that work to do the West Rose.  When he finished that window, instead of going back to Isaiah he began work on this magnificent window.  Rowan did all the design, cartooning, glass and color selection and painting for this window and Melville Greenland and his staff at Greenland Studios in New York City did the leading and installation.  At the time, Mary Clerkin Higgins had just signed on with Mel as an unpaid apprentice. 

If you look at the edges of the lancets you see that each lancet is framed by a row of tiny dots (“pearls”). This was one of Rowan’s ways of controlling the light coming through the glass and making the windows sparkle.  In the video clip below you can see Rowan creating some of these dots in a newer window.


Watch Rowan Create Some Sparkle

Photo – Peter Swanson


From the Cathedral’s Book “Jewels of Light,” by Elody Crimi and Diane Ney, we learn that the figures in this window are from the biblical book of Ruth.  The center-left lancet depicts “Ruth the heroic and faithful provider” harvesting wheat.  The center-right lancet depicts Naomi who leads Ruth, a widow, to Boaz who himself is a widower.  Boaz is in the right lancet and he is “welcoming his new life with Ruth and waving a shoe in the then-customary gesture of acceptance.” Ruth and Boaz marry and their son Obed is seen in the top multifoil symbolically planting the tree of Jesse. Obed was the father of Jesse, who was the grandfather of King David.

Window Details

Click on an image to see it full size.


Window Details

Year Completed



Rowan LeCompte


Melville Greenland Studios

Location In Building

South Clerestory Bay 1


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15 Feet x 29 Feet


3101 Wisconsin Ave NW, Washington, DC 20016

Produced By:

Global Visions & Associates, Inc.


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