The Calling of Peter
1980 – Washington National Cathedral – Nave Clerestory
One of the most striking things about this window is the massive golden net that nearly stretches throughout the entire window. Each square of the net is four individual pieces of glass that had to be sized, cut and leaded. This must have been an enormous undertaking for the folks at Greenland Studio who fabricated the window. It also must have been a great challenge for Rowan to scale up his initial 2 foot tall design to a 30 foot tall window, incorporating all of this complicated netting in the process.
In the video below, Rowan talks to a tour group at the cathedral about the idea behind this net.
Jesus, the “fisher of men” is in the center-right lancet casting his net into a metaphorical sea. In the center-left lancet, the net first catches Peter’s brother Andrew. Andrew, in turn, is calling to Peter to come along and follow Jesus. Peter in the left lancet grabs hold of the net and makes a commitment to leave his own ship, which is in the lower portion of the right lancet. According toJewels of Light, the cross in the multifoil above, “prefigures Peter’s calling to follow Jesus, and foreshadows the tragedy and triumph of his martyrdom.” This window’s position in the nave, along with the Paul window directly opposite it, mark the transition of stories from the Old Testament to the New.
Photo – Peter Swanson
Window Details
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Window Details
Year Completed
Rowan LeCompte
Mellville Greenland Studios
Location In Building
North Clerestory Bay 9
To learn more about Rowan and stained glass vist our DVD store.
15 Feet x 29 Feet
3101 Wisconsin Ave NW, Washington, DC 20016
Produced By:
Global Visions & Associates, Inc.
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