Creation Rose

1976 – Washington National Cathedral – Above West Entrance 

This is Rowan’s masterpiece.   It is the cathedral’s most celebrated window and the docents will tell you that it has inspired countless visitors to the building. Rather than adding our commentary, we feel it is best to let Rowan and Dieter, the two men responsible for creating the window, tell the story in the video clips below.

In the first clip Rowan and Dieter give an overview of the window and what inspired it.  In the second clip, Rowan talks about the choice to make an abstract design.  Rowan talks about the playful mix of “intuitions” in the third video and in the last two videos you can learn about two special pieces of glass in the window, one from Rowan’s brother Stuart and the other from glass dealer S.A. Bendheim.

In the photo gallery below you can see some details of the window in addition to some of the paintings Rowan did to get a handle on the window’s design. Also on this page is a super high resolution photo by Colin Winterbottom that allows you to explore the window in detail.


Rowan and Dieter On The West Rose

Why An Abstract Design

A Mix of Intuitions

A Piece Of Glass Made by Rowan’s Brother Stuart.

Photo – Peter Swanson

Explore details of the West Rose in this ultra-high-resolution photo by Colin Winterbottom.


We are proud to, by special arrangement, share this magnificent photo by photographer Colin Winterbottom.  It is a compilation of over 50 photos that create a spectacular zoomable photograph. If you just click on the photo above you will connect to this amazing resourxe.   Colin even has a detailed photo of the inscription Rowan talks about in the video clip below on the gift from S.A. Bendheim.


A Gift To Irene From S.A. Bendheim

Window Details

Click on an image to see it full size.



Jewels of Light gives the Iconography for this window as follows, “the Creation Rose in an abstract visualization from the Book of Genesis,’…and the earth was without form and void, and darkness was on the face of the deep…and God said, “ Let There be light.”’”

Window Details

Year Completed



Rowan LeCompte 


Dieter Goldkuhle

Location In Building

Over the West Entrance



3101 Wisconsin Ave NW, Washington, DC 20016

Produced By:

Global Visions & Associates, Inc.


More Information

More information will be forthcoming as the site develops.
