Saint Dunstan, Washington National Cathedral

Saint Dunstan Coat of Arms, Washington National Cathedral

Saint Dunstan, Cathedral of the Incarnation, Baltimore, MD

Baptism of Christ, Trinity College, Hartford, CT


Saint George, Baltimore Cathedral

Saint Barnabas, Baltimore Cathedral

Annunciation and Presentation, Baltimore Cathedral

Young Jesus, Baltimore Cathedral


Saint Monica, Baltimore Cathedral

Saint Augustine, Baltimore Cathedral

The Rose, St, Bartholomew’s


Ascension Window, St. Bartholomew’s

Ogilby, Brent, Emerson and Thoreau, Trinity College

Entry Into Jerusalem – Christ Church, Cambridge, MD

Crucifixion – Christ Church, Cambridge, MD

Resurrection – Christ Church, Cambridge, MD

Ascension – Christ Church, Cambridge, MD


Saint Peter, St. James, Westernport, MD

Saint John, St. James, Westernport, MD

Life of Christ, Trinity Methodist, Annapolis, MD


Symbol Window, St. Marks, Boonsboro

Saint Peter, St. John’s, Cohoes, NY

Saint Andrew, St. John’s, Cohoes, NY

Saint John, St. John’s, Cohoes, NY

Saint James, St. John’s, Cohoes, NY


Roses – Saint Saviour’s, Bar Harbor, ME

College of Preachers, Washington National Cathedral

Annunciation – Christ Church, Cambridge, MD

Nativity – Christ Church, Cambridge, Md

Children’s Window – Refugee Way of the Cross, Baltimore, Md

Women’s Window, Refugee Way of the Cross, Baltimore, Md


Baptism – Christ Church, Cambridge, MD

Transfiguration – Christ Church, Cambridge, MD

Bell Tower South Wall – St. George’s Mount Savage, MD

Bell Tower North Wall – St. George’s Mount Savage, MD

Bell Tower West Wall – St. George’s Mount Savage, MD


Schmuck Window – St. Matthew’s Cathedral, Laramie, WY

Feeding the Five Thousand- St. Matthew’s Cathedral, Laramie, WY

Marth and Mary – St. Matthew’s Cathedral, Laramie, WY

Jesus Carries His Cross – Virginia Theological Seminary

The Crucifixion – Virginia Theological Seminary

Peter’s Denial – Virginia Theological Seminary


Della Robbia Nativity, Church of the Nativity, Baltimore 

Presentation, Church of the Nativity, Baltimore 

Young Jesus in the Temple, Church of the Nativity, Baltimore 

Carpenters, Church of the Nativity, Baltimore 

John The Baptist, Church of the Nativity, Baltimore 

Wheat, Church of the Nativity, Baltimore 

Grapes, Church of the Nativity, Baltimore 

Risen Christ, Christ Church Capitol Hill

Saint Phocas of Sinope, Washington National Cathedral

Nathaniel Manning Memorial, Washington National Cathedral


Last Supper, Grace Epiphany Church, Philadelphia

Pentecost, Grace Epiphany Church, Philadelphia

Last Supper, Grace Epiphany Church, Philadelphia

Crucifixion, Grace Epiphany Church, Philadelphia

Jesus and Thomas, Grace Epiphany Church, Philadelphia

Lion and Fish, Christ Church, Capitol Hill

Oldfields Chapel Altar Rose

The Wick Window – Saint Alban’s School

Garden Rose – All Faith’s Church, Mechanicsville


Fish In Water – St. Paul’s Church, Altus, OK

Fire and Water – St. Paul’s Church, Altus, OK

Eagle and Fountain – St. Paul’s Church, Altus, OK

Hyssop – St. Paul’s Church, Altus, OK

Scallop Shell – St. Paul’s Church, Altus, OK

Anemone – St. Paul’s Church, Altus, OK

Dove and Columbine – St. Paul’s Church, Altus, OK

Lamb of God – St. Paul’s Church, Altus, OK

Hand Emerging From Cloud – St. Paul’s Church, Altus, OK

Shamrock and Triangle – St. Paul’s Church, Altus, OK

Dove and Uniccorn, Christ Church, Capitol Hill

Oldfields Chapel S1

Oldfields Chapel S2

Oldfields Chapel N2

Oldfields Chapel N3

Oldfields Chapel N4

Oldfields Chapel Altar Side Lights

Miracles – Church of the Epiphany, Washington DC

The Sheldon Window, Saint Alban’s School

Susannah Wesley, Washington National Cathedral

Charles Wesley, Washington National Cathedral

John Wesley, Washington National Cathedral

Feeding The Multitude, Church of the Servant, Wilmington

Let The Children Come, Church of the Servant, Wilmington


The Pearl of Great Price – St. Matthew’s Cathedral, Laramie, WY

Oldfields Chapel S3

Oldfields Chapel S4

Oldfields Chapel S5

Oldfields Chapel N1

Oldfields Chapel N5

Oldfields Chapel Narthex Window

Humanitarians I

Humanitarians II

Our Lady of Good Counsel

Saint Francis Xavier


Window 1 – Elizabeth Seton High School

Window 2 – Elizabeth Seton High School

Window 3 – Elizabeth Seton High School

Window 4 – Elizabeth Seton High School

Window 5 – Elizabeth Seton High School

Clerestory Windows – Elizabeth Seton High School

Saint Luke – Saint Alban’s Church, Washington, DC

Earth – Saint Alban’s Church, Washington, DC

Air – Saint Alban’s Church, Washington, DC

Fire – Saint Alban’s Church, Washington, DC

Water – Saint Alban’s Church, Washington, DC


Supper At Emmaus – National City Chruch

Saint Alban Shelters A Priest, Saint Albans School


Southwest Bay 1, Church of the Incarnation, Washington, DC

Southwest Bay 2, Church of the Incarnation, Washington, DC

Southwest Bay 3, Church of the Incarnation, Washington, DC

Southwest Bay 4, Church of the Incarnation, Washington, DC

Northeast Bay 1, Church of the Incarnation, Washington, DC

Northeast Bay 2, Church of the Incarnation, Washington, DC

Northeast Bay 3, Church of the Incarnation, Washington, DC

Northeast Bay 4, Church of the Incarnation, Washington, DC

The Conversion and Baptism of Saint Alban, Saint Alban’s School


Maundy Thursday – St. John’s Lafayette Square, Washington, DC

Ascension Window – St. John’s Lafayette Square, Washington, DC

Moses on Sinai – St. Matthew’s Cathedral, Larami, WY

All Saints of Wyoming – St. Matthew’s Cathedral, Larami, WY

Oldfields Chapel West Window

All Hallows Chapel, Saint Phocas

The Trial of Saint Alban, Saint Alban’s School

Angels of Nativity, Washington National Cathedral


Dove and Fish – St. Lukes, Washington, DC

Light of the World – St. Lukes, Washington, DC

Saint Alban Taken to Martyrdom, Saint Alban’s School

Children’s Window, Church of the Epiphany, Washington, DC

King David, Church of the Epiphany, Washington, DC

North Window, Huntly, VA

South Window, Huntly, VA


The Martyrdom of Saint Alban, Saint Alban’s School

Abstract Window, Church of the Epiphany, NYC

Woman Clothed With The Sun, Washington National Cathedral

Gospel Window, Saint Matthew’s Hyattsville, MD


Lilian W. Manger Window, Saint Alban’s School

Poetry, Princeton University Chapel

Epistle Window, Saint Matthew’s Hyattsville, MD

Hardester Window, Saint Matthew’s Hyattsville, MD

Burns Window, Saint Matthew’s Hyattsville, MD


America The Beautiful I, Washington National Cathedral

America The Beautiful II, Washington National Cathedral

Man’s Search For God I, Washington National Cathedral

Man’s Search For God II, Washington National Cathedral


Saint Andrew’s Wellesley, MA

Transfiguration, Washington National Cathedral


Rose – St. Matthew’s Cathedral, Laramie Wyoming

Abstract 1 – St. Matthew’s Cathedral, Laramie Wyoming

Abstract 2 – St. Matthew’s Cathedral, Laramie Wyoming


Yellow Window

Red and White Window


Angels of Deliverance, Washington National Cathedral


Childhood of Jesus, Washington National Cathedral


Religious Freedom In Maryland, Washington National Cathedral


Poets and Writers, Washington National Cathedral


The West Rose, Washington National Cathedral


Ruth and Naomi, Washington National Cathedral


The Human Spirit, St. Paul’s Alexandria

Philosophers, Washington National Cathedral


Angels of Revelation, Washington National Cathedral

Abraham and Isaac, Washington National Cathedral


The Calling of Peter, Washington National Cathedral


Jeremiah, Washington National Cathedral

Isaiah and Micah Version 1, Washington National Cathedral


All Saints Window, St. Matthews

Psalms, Washington National Cathedral

Gable Wheel, Washington National Cathedral


Noah, Washington National Cathedral


Prophecy, Washington National Cathedral

Paul, Washington National Cathedral

Saint Luke, St. Lukes, RI

Wheat, Bread and Grapes, St. James School, Hagerstown, MD


Moses and Elijah, St. Lukes, RI

Transfigured Christ, St. Lukes, RI

Easter, Trinity College, Hartford

Love (III) Trinity College, Hartford

Job, Washington National Cathedral


Corn and Wheat, New York State House

Grapes, New York State House

Birches, New York State House

Hemlock, New York State House

Apples, New York State House


John The Baptist, Washington National Cathedral


Lineage of Jesus, Washington National Cathedral


Reformation and Growth of the Hebrew Nation

Christmas – National City Church

Easter – National City Church


Faith of The Hebrews, Washington National Cathedral

Religion and Righteousness, Washington National Cathedral


Covenant With God’s People, Washington National Cathedral


Emory Grubbs Chapel


Hebrew Women of the Bible, Washington National Cathedral


Suffering and Redemption, Washington National Cathedral


Lemon Rogers Chapel, Boys and Girls Homes of NC


Smiling Light, Garber Methodist, New Bern, NC

Two Trees Amid Harvest

Two Trees Amid Harvest

The Church Windows 1, St. Lukes, East Greenwich, RI

The Church Windows 2, St. Lukes, East Greenwich, RI

The Church Windows 3, St. Lukes, East Greenwich, RI

The Church Windows 4, St. Lukes, East Greenwich, RI

The Church Windows 5, St. Lukes, East Greenwich, RI

The Church Windows 6, St. Lukes, East Greenwich, RI


Oak Tree, Trinity Church, Upperville, VA

Working Together, Saint Alban’s School

Environmental Preservation, Saint Alban’s School

Spring, First Baptist Church, Wilmington


Summer, First Baptist Church, Wilmington


Fall, First Baptist Church, Wilmington

Winter, First Baptist Church, Wilmington


Cherry, St. Paul’s, Winston Salem, NC

Dahlias, St. Paul’s, Winston Salem, NC

Hollyhocks,  St. Paul’s, Winston Salem, NC

Mountain Laurel, St. Paul’s, Winston Salem, NC

Narcissus, St. Paul’s, Winston Salem, NC

Roses, Holly, Lilies, St. Paul’s, Winston-Salem, NC

Roses and Dogwood, St. Paul’s, Winston Salem, NC

Wild Cherries, St. Paul’s, Winston Salem, NC


Altar Window, Church of the Servant, Wilmington


The Holy Family, St. Paul’s, Winston Salem, NC


Isaiah and Micah 2, Washington National Cathedral